Scottish Goju Ryu Karate-Do Association Logo with IOGKF KenKon

You can now renew your annual licence using our new online portal!


Scottish Goju-Ryu Karate-Do Association

You can now renew your annual licence using our new online portal!

Dojo Location

Dunfermline High School

Jennie Rennies Road
KY11 3BQ

Gasshuku Fee

Age All Per Day
Black Belts 18+ £100 £50
Under 18 £90 £45
Kyu Grades 18+ £90 £45
Under 18's £80 £40

* £5 surcharge per booking for non-IOGKF karate-ka

Gasshuku T-Shirt

Size Price
Adults £20
Kids £15

* Select During Registration

Where to Stay

If you travelling to the Gasshuku there are many hotels in Dunfermline and surrounding areas, Here are some nearby hotels but there are more just a Google search away!


The Sayonara Dinner is yet to be announced.

Getting Around

Plane, Trains, Buses and Automobiles


Edinburgh is closest, however Glasgow is easily accessible.
You can get a train to Dunfermline Town station. Edinburgh airport is served by the 747 bus which will take you to the Dunfermline park and ride, where you can transfer to the main bus station. Many taxis run in Dunfermline .. Only a google search away. Bus routes can be planned here:


Friday 27th September

Start End Description
18:00 18:25 Warm Up
18:30 19:10 Group Training
19:15 19:55 Group Training
20:00 All Grades Finish

Saturday 28th September

Start End Description
09:00 09:45 Black Belt Training
09:50 10:20 Warm Up
10:25 11:05 Group Training
11:10 11:50 Group Training
12:00 Group Photo
12:20 13:00 Group Training
13:00 13:50 Group Training
13:50 14:00 Close
19:00 Sayonara Dinner

Sunday 29th September

Start End Description
10:00 10:30 Warm Up
10:35 11:15 Group Training
11:20 12:00 Group Training
12:10 12:50 Group Training
13:00 13:40 Together Warm Down
13:40 14:00 Presentation & Close


Please register via the Online Form.

Payment is:
Cash on Arrival
Online Payment

Point of Contact:

Sensei Stevie Biggar
07763 078 469